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Industry News
Preparation of Spherical Alumina Thermal Paste and Its Thermal Conductivity
Getting the right thermal paste for your application is a crucial part of any electronics design. But, many engineers are often unclear about the most effective way to get the thermal conductivity they need, and this article discusses the key steps to cre
Nickel Oxide Powder and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Besides being an important transition metal oxide, nickel oxide powder has numerous applications in ceramics, metals and electronic components. Moreover, it has interesting chemical, electrical and optical properties. In addition, it has excellent durabil
Relative Atomic Mass of Manganese Dioxide
Identifying the relative atomic mass of manganese dioxide is very important. This is important because this substance is extremely toxic and can cause a number of adverse health effects. The following is a brief summary of the properties and effects of th
Silicon Nitride's Properties and Applications of Silicon Nitride
Although it is not a silicon-based substance, nitride actually consists of nitrogen and silicon. The nitrogen can be found in the form of sp2-like bonds. This makes silicon nitride a very high resistance, high temperature and resistant to corrosion.
What is Nano Iron Oxide Powder
During the past few years, nano iron oxide has risen to the forefront of materials research. Its numerous applications range from antimicrobial agents to catalysts and regenerative medicine. The properties of iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) have also been
Finding the Best Titanium Carbide Powder Suppliers
Whether you are looking to find the best titanium carbide powder for your needs, or you are searching for the best titanium carbide powder suppliers, there are many factors to consider. The first is the safety, health and environmental regulations that ap
What is the difference between zinc sulfide and zinc sulfate
Basically there are two types of zinc sulfide. Zinc sulfate has a higher melting point than zinc sulfide. The two types of zinc sulfide have different properties and they are also used for different purposes.
What is Bismuth Oxide Powder?
Among the various applications of bismuth oxide powder are metal surface treatment products, plastics, and coating products. The powder also plays a significant role in chemical vapor deposition, thermal evaporation, and electron beam evaporation.
Molybdenum Disulfide Has Good Lubricity
Besides having great corrosion prevention properties, molybdenum disulfide is also very good at lubricating. In fact, it is the most effective agent for the lubrication of metals.
What is Calcium Stearate?
Calcium stearate is a carboxylate salt of calcium that is used in many products. Some of its applications include lubricants and food ingredients. It is also an ingredient in many surfactants. It is a white waxy powder. It is found in gloves, lubricants,
Amorphous Boron Powder | High Purity Graphite Powder | Boride Powder | 3D Printing Powder | Zinc Sulfide ZnS Powder | Oxide Powder | Silicide Powder